Watsamattawith U (Statistics)

Add your solution(s) to your shared document as you do the below;

Thought Exercise

Watsamattawith University (WU) is a fine institution, but a paradoxical place. They have comfortable dorm rooms, yet all the students sleep in class; their track team streaks from place to place, yet their cheeks are red with embarrassment as they lose every meet; every student is vegetarian, yet their dining facility is named Holstein Hall; and their student senate is called the House of Representatives. Go figure!

And go figure, indeed—for that is exactly what the registrar of WU did in computing the average GPA of the current graduating class. Every year she computes the average GPA of the male students, the female stu- dents, and then all the students from that graduating class.

This year she noticed something most peculiar. The average GPA of the male students in the current graduating class was higher than the average GPA of the male students from last year’s graduating class and the average GPA of the female students in the current graduating class was higher than the average GPA of the female students from last year’s graduating class. Sounds great for the current graduates. Unfortunately, she discovered that the average GPA of the entire graduating class was actually lower than the average GPA of last year’s class. What!?

Given that there were no errors in the registrar’s computations, is it possible that such a phenomenon could occur or is this scenario so ridiculously impossible that merely asking the question deserves the response: Watsamattawith U?! 

If such a scenario is possible, explain how by describ- ing an example where the GPAs of the males goes up, the GPA of the females goes up, but the GPA of all the students goes down. Otherwise respond with . . . well, you know.